March 26th, 2014

Tapping Into Intuition for Relaxed Decision Making

Time and time again people tell me that when faced with a challenging decision or situation, they feel overwhelmed with the amount of information and choices available to them.   This is a common scenario in a world that, for many of us, seems to be more information driven all the time.   E.O. Wilson puts it this way:  “We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom.”  

Case in point:  the other day a client (who enthusiastically gave me permission to share this story) told me that she wanted help with her back pain.   When I asked her what help would look like she said “I should probably see my physio”.   When I heard her say that, two red flags were raised for me.  One, she used the word “should”.   When we use that word, it usually suggests that we`ve bought into a story (ideas about what we think we`re supposed to do, according to what we think others might do or approve of).   The thing is that what`s best for someone else may not be best for us of course.  The other red flag for me was her use of the word “probably”.    

So rather than simply accept that, I asked her if she`d like to tap into her intuition and see what guidance might be there.  With a big sigh of relief, she said YES!  So I guided her to take a couple of deep breathes, get still and connect to her inner wisdom (whatever term you use, this is the voice inside of you that represents the real you).  And the wonderful thing is that within 5-7 minutes she went from feeling stressed and unsure of what to do to feeling relaxed and relieved to know exactly what she most needed at that time.  

Connecting to her intuition allowed her to easily cut through all the possible options, all the information available, the hundreds of possible ways she might attempt to heal back pain.  Within 2-3 minutes she felt two clear pieces of guidance that she knew would be best for her at that time.  The first was to dance.  She had heard about a dance drop in class designed for fun and free-flowing spontaneity and she ached to do this, yet had been putting it off.  The second piece of clear guidance she received was to see a certain energy healer that she`d seen long ago and forgotten about - someone who had really helped her in the past.  

About a week after our session, she emailed me and said “Wow!  I`m so amazed by how much this has helped and how much better I feel.”    I wasn`t surprised.  When we`re drowning in information, a dose of wisdom can be a true lifesaver.  

The next time you could use a dose of intuition for a challenging situation, you might experiment by asking yourself the following question:  “What would I do if I was coming from a place of total calm?”  Instead of thinking, blurt.  The more often you take a few moments to breathe deeply, ask yourself a question like this, and listen inside for the answer, the stronger the connection to your intuition will be.      

Here`s to you and living well!

PS:   Dr. Judith Orloff`s book “Second Sight: How to Tap Into Your Own Inner Wisdom”  is an excellent resource.  

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Power of Wellness

Lee Chamberland

Stress Relief & Happiness Expert
Vancouver, BC, Canada
(604) 738-7685
Every morning is a new beginning, a chance for you to rewrite the story of your life.
Tina Su
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